Tuesday, October 10, 2017

in fighting

With any volunteer group who works together there’s bound to be infighting - at least I’ve found that to be true. People come in with different experiences, different goals, different levels of commitment. Hard for all that to come together into a cohesive, well oiled machine without some blimps, both big and little.

I’m finding that’s holding remarkably true for both local political and activist groups. Power plays, backstabbing, passive aggressive maneuvering, fighting, accusations. belittlement, straight out ignoring - all part of the day to day.

Not to say positive, constructive things don’t happen. There’s also solidarity, shared goals, hard work,  sense of community, but often/too often drama gets in the way of the greater good.

I’ve been a victim of and an instigator, more on the polite side, but I’m not above getting stuck in the fray.

Wish there was a better, kinder way of being involved and making a difference. I haven’t found it yet.

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